Is Kipo and The Age of the Wonderbeast getting a new season? It's a strong possibility. Recently, Radford Sechrist, the creator of the show, posted to Tiktok to promote a new movie that he's working on – which sounds amazing by the way but that's for another article – and one person commented that they wish Kipo would get more seasons.

The creator replied, hinting that there might be something in the works. He elaborated that he is currently in discussions and there are no promises right now, but some news may emerge soon.


New seasons for Kipo? Maybe if everyone crosses their paws @Rad Sechrist can make it happen. #kipoandtheageofwonderbeasts #popculturenews #animation #netflixseries #charmedgeek #kawaiiblackgirl

♬ original sound - Charmed Geek • Cozy Games

I'll keep my nose to the ground and see if he will spill the beans. Make sure you're subscribed to the weekly newsletter so you can be the first to know more about new seasons for Kipo and The Age of the Wonderbeasts.