Are there any updates on Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse?

Well, I have bad news and badder news. The bad news is there’s still no release date and we don’t know when we’ll get one. Badder news — this saga that is dripping with the "exaggerated swagger of a Black teen" is heading toward a very sad ending.

Brian Tyree Henry – the actor who plays Miles’ cop father – recently visited the podcast Just for Variety with Marc Malkin and shared that even he did not know when the movie would come out, but assured it would definitely be coming. He also warned listeners, saying, “There’s not gonna be a dry eye in the house. Good luck.”

The busy star didn't share much about Spider-Verse. But it packed a punch. Photo via Wikimedia Commons

What could go wrong in Beyond The Spider-Verse?

When we left Miles, he narrowly escaping a deadly chase from his inter-dimensional counterparts, lead by Miguel/Spider-Man 2099 (who might actually be a Prowler if this fan theory is accurate). The Spider-Man army was trying to prevent Miles from interrupting the “canon event" of his dad dying, deeming it a necessary evil for protecting the fabric of reality. While he does escape the dimension, he ends up trapped in the dimension of the radioactive spider that bit him instead of his own.

Miles is quickly discovered as an imposter, knocked out, and tied up. The audience is left on the cliff hanger of him facing off against his evil self – an alternate really Miles who became the Prowler.

Is this who Miles was actually supposed to be? Still from Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

So far in the series, Miles has overcome all odds, including fate. Essentially saying, "Nah, I'ma do my own thing," to every rule reality throws at him. But if the words of Henry hold true, his web shooters may have just run out mid-swing.

What do you think will happen? Comment your thoughts below and we’ll revisit when the movie premieres to see who was the closest. If your theory is indeed most accurate we'll crown you winner of the comments. What will you win? Bragging rights, of course.